Two Worlds / Δύο Κόσμοι

The specific performance deals with the relationship of the body with the “other”. The “other” is a piece of ice , the solid form of water, the same water that we carry within us. The body is connected to the ice so as to launch within and all of a sudden finds it coming towards to each other. The ice melts drop by drop at a time over the roosting body which seems to thaw from a situation that kept him stagnant for years. Each drop awakens reactions and movements evolving a sustained dialogue between water and man, a life cut in two, battling to be identified and redeemed. Slowly the body’s opening in space and incorporates initially to new conditions, takes his time to begin to accept all its influence he exerted, react accordingly, to collect the information to enable to attack and crush the ice. After all this battle the solid form liquidates and man releases the bonds of underlying conditions. The reflection of them fake images of externalizing has now destroyed all of the power that was hidden in the body. At the end is generated a new liquid state where man and water meet under the condition to be again together.

Μετατοπίζω το βάρος μου, αλλάζω την σχέση μου με το χώρο προσπαθώ να ξεφύγω, μα εκείνο είναι τόσο καλά συνδεδεμένο μαζί μου σα να γνωρίζει την κάθε μου κίνηση, αντιστέκεται, με τραβάει πίσω ή με φέρνει μπροστά αντιμέτωπο μαζί του, κάποιες φορές παλεύω, άλλες ισορροπώ. Η ισορροπία είναι εκείνη που μας κρατά όρθιους σε δυο κόσμους παραλλήλους μεταξύ τους, οι πράξεις μας συνδέονται, σε κάθε αλλαγή που φέρει ο ένας επηρεάζει τον άλλον και ένα τεράστιο σύστημα πληροφοριών που συνδέεται με όλα τα κομμάτια μας, μαζί και το σώμα.